Monday, 12 September 2016

Time with God

You set an alarm for dawn to wake up and pray. The alarm goes off and you wake up to turn it off only to go back to sleep or browse the internet.


I have set 3 alarms to remind me to spend time with God daily. If I followed it I would have at least 3 hours of time with God t grow my spirit.
 so I woke up today at dawn as always, turned off the alarm and began tapping on my phone screen. In an hour my radon was on listening to a preacher as a morning was two hours later I picked up my devotional. Then I realized what has been happening to me.
I have been substituting God for other things! Harsh Truth.
So after I struggled to ignore my phone and had my quiet time which was titled Christian Time with God. I wrote this.
Reading Psalm 39:1-5 and Psalm 90:1-12

I learnt that the condition of my heart and  my mind are in two different places. The condition of the heart and the mind must be on the same page to some extent to achieve some things.Our minds want one thing and our hearts another. The funny thing is the mind has a louder voice than the heart so in your heart you want one thing but your mind being loud went ahead of your heart.
If we can tame our minds to follow the direction of our heart in things of God we will find the discipline to pray, to fast, to wait on The Lord.

My next alarm is noon and I look forward to my time with God. Will let you know how it goes.

#TimewiththeFather  #meditation #Prayer #faithconfessions     

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