Wednesday, 10 February 2016

the love we forget

  To love is an art, gently take in all the irritating things with a smile . We like the love that cuddles and caresses our emotions, we like the love that makes us feel like we can be anything.the love with no itchy irritation. That the love we love.

 For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that who so ever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

The love that comes with a form of pain, sacrifice.

The love that gives and gives and gives till all is poured out to bless another.

Love your neighbor as yourself, do good to those who despise you, bless those who curse you

The love God showed to us that he sent Jesus that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

You do not do good to those who can and will only do you good, as Jesus said even the pagans do that. To love as our Lord and Savior did is to allow people to spit on you, ridicule you and mock you and still die to save them. This is not to say allow disrespect or do not be honest when something happens which you do not like. Correct in love and try to live in peace with all people and if it comes to worst, love them from a distance and do not shut them. Know that you are uniquely made by and for God .

I always wondered how Jesus had that strength then inrealised he prayed every morning. He spent time with the Father to be like the Father. Prayer and daily Bible study will open our hearts to to the will of the Father.

We must learn to be comfortable in our discomfort, love from God’s perspective not our own. We must allow The Holy Spirit to guide our hearts for as innocent as we may seem , the heart of a man can be deceitful as the bible states hence we must guard our hearts.
Love even when it hurts and know God is loving how you love and will ease your pain.
#valentine #love #Godislove

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